
Dachshunds can sometimes develop itchy skin. How do you cure the itch and prevent endless hours of scratching and biting?

Itches can occur on any part of your dachshund and at different times of the year, but they peak in the summer months and then subside afterward.

You will find that your pet dachshund is licking and scratching himself all the time. This dachshund’s itchy skin condition can be very annoying for dogs as well as pet owners.

Veterinary dermatologist John C. Angus has a list of all possible causes of a dog’s itchy skin.

A few of the top causes are an allergic reaction to pollen, food allergies and skin infections.

How To Treat Dachshund Puppy Itchy Skin

If you have a Dachshund puppy, you must know how to treat their itchy skin.

One way to deal with a dachshund’s itchy skin is to make sure that your dog always has fresh water available to drink. Fresh water helps to flush out the unwanted toxins in the system which can cause skin problems.

It is advisable to give your dog fresh food as well as supplements that contain vitamins A, B, C, and E. Vitamin supplements are especially useful for dogs with dry skin.

Some dog foods contain a good amount of vitamin E, which can help to keep the skin moisturized.

If you would like to know how to treat dachshund itchy skin, it is also very important for you to learn about dog allergies.

In order to avoid dogs from developing allergies, you should buy dachshund dog food that contains no corn or soy.

Corn or soy can cause an allergic reaction and contribute to the dachshund itchy skin. So, always check the ingredients of the food before you decide to feed your beloved dog.

Itchy Dog Herbal Treatment

Another way to treat dog allergies is by using natural herbs.

Herbs can offer relief from skin infections and allergies. These herbs help to clean the blood and the skin of the animals.

Omega Chews can really alleviate your dachshund’s itchy skin.

The herbs are very effective in easing the symptoms of skin infections. You can also find herbal medications available in the market which can be used to treat allergies.

However, you should consult a veterinarian before you start using herbal medicines for treating allergies.

Can Dog Allergies Spread?

Dachshunds suffer less from skin infections. However, if the dog has an infection in its skin, the disease can spread to another part of the body.

In order to avoid this complication, it is advisable to take your dachshund for regular veterinary checkups.

You should also take your dog outside regularly and make him lie down on a soft surface like a bed. This will help to avoid infections from spreading to other parts of the body.

Dachshund itchy skin will make it hard for them to stop scratching.

This persistent scratching can cause skin infections. If the skin problem persists, you can give your dog an anti-itch injection. Similarly, you can give your dog corticosteroids to reduce inflammation of the skin.

Your dog can also be infected with ringworm.

In order to treat ringworm in your dachshund, you can give it Zetaclear. The medicine can also be given to other animals in your household. However, you should consult a vet before you do so.

How To Stop Dachshunds Itching Itchy Skin

As always, prevention is better than cure.

You should make sure that your dachshund stays away from fleas and ticks. You should also trim their hair regularly to keep it free of tangles.

All these measures will help to prevent skin problems in your dachshund. In case your dog develops any of these skin problems, you should immediately consult a vet.

If your dog suffers from dry skin, you should give him vitamin E.

Give your pet an ample amount of food and water, as well as provide a good chew toy. You should always give your dachshund an occasional bath.

This is especially important if he has been outdoors all day.

The hot weather could make your dog’s coat dry, which could lead to skin problems. Bathing your dog once or twice a week will help to keep his coat healthy.

Moreover, you should always purchase a good quality dachshund bed that provides maximum warmth. It is important to keep your dog warm during the winter and cooler during summer.

If your dog has dry skin, you should increase his intake of fatty acids and decrease his consumption of fatty tissues.

You should avoid using harsh soaps or shampoos. It might help to reduce the itch, but excessive washing with harsh products can irritate the skin and may cause dry skin conditions as well.

Some dogs have problems with dry skin because of flea bites or allergies.

If your dog has any type of allergy, you should take him to the veterinarian. The vet can prescribe better flea control products and can also give advice on how to de-worm your dog.