cute dachshund puppy lying on soft cozy bed

Is your Dachshund unwell and being sick? Are you wondering why is my Dachshund throwing up? The guide below can help you identify the possible cause.

In this article we’ll discuss the reasons, treatments and whether you need to do to take your dachshund to the vet for diagnostic tests.

In many cases, the cause of a dog’s vomiting is not serious and can be attributed to a list of causes listed below.

Is Your Dachshund Throwing Up In The Morning?

Many times your dachshund wakes up hungry from sleeping throughout the night. So after a night of sleep their stomach acid and bile can build up and they can puke on an empty stomach.

This can occur around 4am and 7am in the morning. The puke will usually be yellow or clear colored.

Once they eat breakfast they should be fine.

What you might want to do is is give your dachshund a snack before bed time as a preventative.

Give them a couple of dog biscuits as this should alleviate the problem.

Another reason they might be throwing up is you are not feeding them the right nutritional dog food.

Make sure the dog food does not contain artificial flavors, food colors, or other additives. Some dachshunds may be sensitive to dog foods that contain corn or wheat.

Also, check to make sure you feed them the right amount of dog food each day. You should feed them right away in the morning then again about 5pm.

Other Reasons Why Your Dachshund Is Vomiting?

Make sure your dachshund is not eating grass, poop, dirt or toxic plants.

These are all popular reasons why dogs end up being sick. In fact, many dogs eat grass in order to make themselves sick.

Dachshund Throwing Up On A Regular Basis – What To Do

If you have gone through all the possible causes above and provided the solutions and your dachshund is still throwing up, then what could be the vomiting problem?

Vomiting could be a chronic ailment. If you see a sudden, recurring bout of vomiting, consult with a veterinarian right away.

The underlying cause of a dachshund throwing up will determine the proper treatment.

If your dachshund vomits on a regular basis, they may be suffering from megaesophagus, a disease characterized by inflammation of the esophagus.

A veterinarian may suggest simple diagnostic tests, including blood work and fecal analysis. A veterinarian may also recommend an abdominal ultrasound to examine the organs of the dog.

In severe cases, a veterinarian may recommend a surgical procedure to correct the underlying problem. But if you’re unsure of the cause, a veterinary examination may be all that’s necessary.

Treatments For Dachshunds Throwing Up

While many causes of vomiting in dachshunds are easily treated at home, some conditions require more intensive medical attention.

In these cases, your dog may need to be hospitalized for 24 hours to receive 24-hour monitoring, and possible drug treatment.

Your veterinarian can prescribe IV fluids, anti-nausea medications, and appetite stimulants to help your pet feel better and to reduce the symptoms of vomiting.

Bloat is a medical condition in which the stomach expands rapidly. Your dog will look distressed and bring up thick saliva.

Make sure your dachshund didn’t get a hold of some common foods such as grapes, chocolate and onions. These are dangerous for your dog to eat.

If you notice your dachshund got in your garbage it may have ingested one of these items.

Diagnostic Tests For Dachshunds Who Are Throwing Up

If your dachshund is throwing up on a regular basis and none of the causes indicated earlier were the reasons, then your vet can perform a diagnostic test.

Blood tests can reveal any abnormalities and can help diagnose the cause of your dog’s vomiting.

Other diagnostic tests include X-rays and ultrasounds.

Blood tests can also rule out a range of other conditions. Possibly tour dachshund swallowed something that became an obstruction in their stomach.

A biopsy of the stomach lining may be necessary to find the source of your dog’s vomiting.

Most of the time though, your dachshund throwing up is usually one of the causes listed in the first part of this article. Usually, it is temporary and not a major concern.

They either ate the wrong type of dog food, or perhaps they got a hold of something they should not have eaten.