red grapes

When it comes to keeping your dog healthy, the first thing that you must do is to avoid foods dogs should not eat.

The first food that should not be fed to dogs is any dog food containing artificial ingredients. Most commercial foods contain preservatives or chemicals which can harm the canine.

Salty foods should also be avoided. These are also a source of toxins that could harm your dog.

Dog food that contains wheat is not recommended. Wheat is not a good source of protein that can keep them energized. It can also result in pancreatitis if your dog has too much of it.

Try to find a wheat-free dog food that your pet may consume. This may help them stay healthy and active.

Also, dog food should not contain animal by-products. Make sure you read the label as you only want real meat and no animal by-products.

In conclusion, look for the best dachshund dog food that doesn’t list the ingredients listed above.

List Of Foods Dogs Should Not Eat


According to the ASPCA, they mentioned avocados on their list of food hazardous to dog’s health.

Avocados have a pit, which if eaten by dogs can block their digestive tract and cause serious issues.

If your dog accidentally eats a small bit of avocado, they may vomit and have diarrhea. And if they eat a lot of it you may need to call your vet.


Eating a little bit of popcorn won’t hurt your dog. However, if they eat the un-popped seeds it will upset their stomach and also create dental problems.


According to the ASPCA, grapes are associated with kidney failure in dogs. It is best to avoid giving grapes to your dachshund or any dog for that matter.


Don’t give your dog nuts as their digestive system isn’t able to handle most nuts, especially macadamia as these can be very toxic.

If your pooch happens to eat a few nuts watch for symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea. If they have these symptoms take them to the vet.

Onions & Garlic

The ASPCA warns against these as they can cause damage to a dog’s red blood cells if they eat enough of them.

However, if your dog gets a hold of a small bit of onion that fell to the floor they are probably fine.

Garlic, however, is much more toxic, and avoid giving any to your dog.


Dogs tend to love cheese and some cheese might not be harmful.

However, a lot of cheeses in the stores are heavily processed with extra chemicals that should be avoided for dogs.


Nearly every dog owner probably knows that a dog should not eat chocolate as it has two harmful chemicals – caffeine and theobromine. These are toxic and definitely are foods dogs should not eat.


If your dog eats a small bit of this it won’t cause serious harm. However, it should be avoided as it causes their blood sugar to spike and worse can cause allergies.

It also is difficult to digest and has low nutritional value as well. Many commercial dog foods have it as an ingredient so you should not purchase any dog food containing it.

Pits and Seeds are poisonous so do not give your dog any type of seeds or fruit that may contain pits.


Raisins are toxic to dogs, so avoid giving any raisins to your dachshund.


Even a small amount of xylitol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, liver failure, or even death in dogs. One of the most dangerous foods dogs should not eat.

Some peanut butter may contain xylitol, so make sure you read the label if you ever give any peanut butter to your dachshund.

Caffeine, Tea & Coffee

Any drink containing caffeine is toxic to dogs.

Yeast & Dough

Yeast and Dough can be serious and even fatal in dogs as it is poisonous.

Bad Foods For Dogs

The list above are foods dogs should not eat so make sure your dog does not accidentally get any of these.

There are many foods that are good for dogs, particularly a variety of vegetables and some cancer preventing dog foods.

It’s important to do some research to find out what foods your dog’s diet needs. Feeding them the best quality dog food will maintain their health.

Be careful that you are providing them with the appropriate dog food. Most dogs require a different diet based on their age, gender, activity level, and activity level.