
Wondering how to teach dachshund tricks? From simply sitting to doing something pretty special for a treat, we guide you through some ways to teach your dog.

First, here are steps for the easy tricks like “stay” and “come”.


The Stay command is an important command for a Dachshund.

The stay command can be harder to learn compared with other commands that teach them to do something.

The reason being is that you are asking your dachshund to do nothing, and introduce the cue word “Stay” right from the start. So you must reward them for not moving.

Here’s how to teach your Dachshund to stay:

1. First, have your dog sit, then say ”Stay” and hold your palm in a ”stop” signal in front of his face. Wait for a few seconds, then reward him and say, “OK!”

2. Tell him to “Stay” and give your dachshund the stop signal, then turn out in front of him. Make sure you don’t reward him before you give him the “OK” signal.

3. Work up gradually to have him stay for a longer duration. If he gets up, simply put him back in position and start over. You might have to decrease the duration a few times before you can increase the time duration.

4. When your dachshund has finally learned how to stay, now you can expand on this and move to different positions. Try moving into the side, then try moving behind your dachshund. Then try moving farther and farther away before you give the “ok” signal.

5. Once you have taught your dachshund in the house the “stay” command, now you can try and go outdoors to try it. Make sure you keep him on his leash when practicing outdoors to be safe. You don’t want him to run away if another dog comes along or a car drives by. Eventually, you can have your dachshund steady just about anywhere with your “stay” command.


The “come” command is a very important behavior your Dachshund should learn. He probably already will come to you when he wants to play or if you have some food.

However, your goal is to only have him come when you give him the command. You will only reward him when he comes when you give him the command.

1. This dachshund trick will require you to have a friend or another family member help. You want to have a long hallway or other enclosed areas. Have your helper hold your dachshund by his collar or harness while you back away, showing him a treat.

2. Your dachshund will probably be pulling and whining wanting to go to you and get the treat. Your helper should then release his collar and you say the word “come” and when he comes to you now say “good dog” the moment he touches you, then reward him with the treat.

3. Keep practicing this and make sure he “stays” after your helper lets go of his collar. If he starts coming to you before you say the “come” command do not reward him the treat.

4. Once your dachshund learns to “come” on cue, you can now practice this outdoors.

5. Practice this in your yard and gradually choose places with more distractions. Make sure you keep your dog on a long light line for his safety.

How train a Dachshund tricks like “stay” and “come are fairly easy.

Your dachshund is smart and enjoys learning more than simple commands, so why not teach them a few harder tricks.

Here are a few more advanced tricks you can teach your dachshund that are fun to learn.

How To Teach Dachshund Tricks – Shaking Hands

Teaching your Dachshund to shake hands is a good way to have him introduced to guests when they come over.

1. The first step is to start with your dachshund sitting. Now kneel down and face him.

2. Next, reach for his right paw with your right hand. Sometimes your dachshund might naturally give you his paw. However, if they don’t then use a treat to lure his head way to the left, so he’s almost looking over his shoulder. That will make his right paw lift up.

3. Now praise him and reward him as soon as his paw goes up.

4. Keep repeating this until he starts lifting his paw on his own.

5. Finally, you can add the words, “Shake hands,” and give him your hand and reward him only when he shakes on cue.

How To Teach Dachshund Tricks – Roll Over

One good thing about dachshunds is that their bodies are ideal for rolling over!

1. Start by having them lie down. Show him a treat and move it over his back so he has to twist his head over his shoulder to see it. Now give him the treat

2. Secondly, show him another treat, but this time have him twist a little more. Keep on not giving him the treat and get him to twist more and more until he eventually ends up on his back.

3. Once on his back, keep moving the treat to the opposite side so he has to finish the roll and end up back on his stomach before getting the treat. If he has trouble going all the way over, you can nudge him a bit to get him to go all the way over.

4. When he gets to be able to complete the roll, then say “Roll over” then give him the treat.

5. Remember to only reward him for rolling over on cue. Pretty soon you can get him to do more than one roll. However, don’t have your dachshund do too many rolls as he might get dizzy.

How To Teach Dachshund Tricks – Speak On Cue

Dachshunds are not shy about barking. So if you can teach your Dachshund the difference on undesirable barking and barking on cue that can be a fun trick to learn.

1. The first step is to get a treat out to show your dachshund, but don’t give it to him. Most of the time your dachshund will want to urge you to give them the treat. When he barks then say “Good!” and give him the treat.

2. Next, you want to show another treat and give the cue word of “speak”. If he barks before you say “speak” don’t give him the treat yet. You don’t want to reward your dachshund when he barks before you say the word “speak”

3. Keep repeating this….say “speak” and wait for him to bark then give him the treat and say “good dog”.

Your voice is also important in how to teach dachshund tricks.

Be consistent in the words you use and the way you say them. Dogs hear your words as sounds and not as vowels and consonants. Shouting or repeating won’t help your dog understand a command.

Teach commands in a normal voice, and say them just once.

Use low-pitched sounds to make your dog stop doing something. This indicates power, aggression, and leadership.

Use high-pitched sounds to encourage your dog to interact or play.

Using long, drawn-out, monotone speech tends to slow or calm your dog.

Using abrupt, low-pitched commands tends to stop your dog.

Using a series of repeated short, high-pitched sounds that continue to rise in pitch tends to speed up a slow dog.

Consistent practice and patience are important on how to teach dachshund tricks. Be aware that dachshunds are one of the more stubborn breeds.